Empowering a net-zero tomorrow

Community- Focused





Our Approach 


Nature-based solutions  


Our comprehensive projects go beyond mere climate change mitigation. They encompass a holistic approach aimed at conserving and restoring forests and coastal ecosystems while simultaneously safeguarding invaluable wildlife and empowering local communities. Through a nature-based conservation framework, these projects provide economic incentives to engage communities in conservation activities, thus establishing conservation-based livelihoods that alleviate pressure on natural resources, particularly wildlife habitats. By actively involving local communities in these conservation efforts, our projects foster a deep sense of ownership and responsibility for the protection of these ecosystems and the species reliant upon them. This nature-based approach ensures biodiversity preservation while concurrently shifting extraction-based to conservation-based livelihoods for local communities. 

Conservation and Restoration 

Our projects prioritize the conservation and restoration of forests and coastal ecosystems, which serve as crucial habitats for wildlife. This approach protects these habitats from degradation and restores them to their undisturbed pristine beauty. 

Nature-based solutions 

Our projects adopt a nature-based conservation framework by utilizing a blue carbon initiative. The revenue generated from carbon sequestration offsets incentivizes the conservation and sustainable management of these ecosystems.

Community engagement 

Our projects engage with local communities, which is a vital aspect of the approach. Through active involvement in conservation efforts, communities develop a sense of ownership, responsibility, and pride in safeguarding the ecosystems and the wildlife within them. This community engagement fosters a long-term commitment to conservation, leading to increased vigilance against illegal activities and enhanced ecosystem protection.

Economic Incentives

Our projects provide economic incentives to local communities for participating in conservation activities by establishing jobs in sustainable forest management or coastal ecosystem restoration. Our projects create alternative and sustainable livelihood opportunities including small businesses. This reduces the reliance on activities that negatively impact wildlife and ecosystems, thereby alleviating pressure on natural resources.